Saturday, April 4, 2009

Possibly Impossible…

We search for hope, we conquer our own fear, we cling to our faith, and we strengthen our core of curiosity. There are too many things I want in my life. I guess life isn’t as easy as what we wish it could ever be. After a long period of time, we sail but when it dawn, we have to find our way back. EDU 3217 will be a history for me. Learning about drama in Dr Edwin class can be the most boring thing as I’m not a good reader of Shakespearean play. Somehow I feel uneasy; I sat on my desk with peculiar expression. It almost comes to an end and I have to admit that I have learned a lot, indeed really a lot.
I never heard of Electra or Oedipus complex before. I never heard of stage directions and so forth. I’ve learned it now and it will become a part of my memory. I don’t know what is wrong with me. They said that Dr Edwin will not teach us for the next semester. I don’t want to be really mushy but I think, he really taught us well. In sense that I get to know such a good lecturer and he did his best to entertain us. Thank you for the teaching part but his immature jokes sometimes can hurt people another but, most of the time it won us over.
Looking back what he had taught us, I hope that I can score high mark for my final exam. As usual hopes remain hopes if there is no determination to improve ourselves. Anyway, I’m still hoping because that is the only quality that I have inside of me. We have to compare three different plays for the final and I need to prepare for it and claim that I have master it even if I don’t. One thing for sure, past is just like a broken mirror, you may admit that it was broken but the fact that each piece of the glass still reflect light that embrace through it. That is what I think about things that we have learned before. We may forget but the tiny mechanism or rather memory that we had preserved will eventually embedded and we will start to remember what we may have forgotten in our recollection of past. I really enjoyed my previous lesson with Dr Edwin and no matter how hard for me to let it go, it just won’t because our memory is solid and it will never fade away.

Reaching the Star, One more step to the ladder…

Last week was my second micro teaching for Mr Harold. I was nervous as hell because it was freaking cold. The ac (air-conditions) really hit my nerves system. We were asked to cut short our lesson because the inconvenience reasoning. Anyway, I guess I have done my best. My pre-reading activity was quite simple and I guessed it will help students to improve themselves. For my while- reading activity, I thought that group activity would be fun. I asked my students to come out with a graphic organizer about the play that we have been discussing about.
Throughout the session, I have found my own strengths and weaknesses. I don’t think that I can connect myself with the students. I found that I get nervous really quick but I think that just for the beginning and because I cannot concentrate on my lesson as Mr Harold was watching me all the time. For me, I felt uncomfortable as people judging me so I can’t help but try my best to act like I really teach students just like in a real classroom.
After all, I was blessed that my sore throat was gone and I can project my voice really well. The point of mock teaching really serve it purpose as I gain my confidence beside I’ve learn the lesson of how to overcome my nervous breakdown. Sometimes, in our life, there are things that we regretted of doing it but I believe that regret is more than an option. We may have done a lot of serious mistakes but I guess that is how I learn and bit by bit we discover the true nature of life. Micro-teaching is a good way for us, especially teacher in making because it encompasses our fear and conquers our emotion so we won’t face it in a real situation. It is more like we learn how to make it perfect and someone with experienced will judge us to improvise our errors.
I really am grateful that we have finished our micro-teaching. That’s mean that we actually through it and nothing really bad happened. My fear was what if Mr Harold doesn’t really like my presentation. Anyway, I guessed it went really well. It such a great experience for me and I really hope we can have it for the next semester.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogging…Between Fantasy and Reality.

I wonder for the past few months, what the heck I have done so far? Time passes too fast and in a blink of eyes, my second semester in UPM almost comes to an end. Few weeks left and all I can do is start to think what I have learned and reflect whether it brings me harm more than good. For EDU3217, we have to blog about our experiences and seriously, I guess it is a little odd because blog should be more like a diary so it shouldn’t be so formal. Anyway, I have learned how to make it look formal and normal and the same time. I find out that blogging is far better than doing online forum because you have your own space and people (followers) can really comment freely on your blogs.

Blogging is more like a whole new way to see or rather echo your feelings or thoughts so I really believe that this is one way for students to voice up their view about the course. Most importantly, it is way better than keeping a journal because that is what I’ve done before in Maktab and I thought sometimes we should try to modernize something so it will become more interesting and fancy. Adding a little spice to unflavoured curry is one of the tricks my mum used to tell me. Maybe, implementing blog to reflect learning process is a very good idea in sense students can sit and enjoy their free time blogging without thinking of notepad or pen.

For me, we (young adults) spend few hours in front of their pc or laptop so why not blogging. It such a wonderful idea besides learning about how to increase our computerization skills is not bad either. I love the fact that at least we try something new so we could use it in our future adjustment. Learning new things is more like eating, you will never know unless you’ve try and if you don’t try, you will never know how it’s taste and why people like it so much. See you then.